Wednesday 16 April 2014

Wednesday April 16

2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11.  It seems that St. Paul wrote often to the congregation he founded in the city of Corinth.  In the first letter we have in our bible, although not the first letter Paul wrote to them, he urges the congregation to unity and love in the midst of many disputes.  Today we begin looking at the second letter in our bible to the congregation in Corinth.

In between the two letters, Paul had made a second visit to the city, a visit he calls "painful". He refers to another letter he sent them, a "letter of tears" he wrote "out of much distress and anguish of heart".  He'd hoped they'd understand how much he loved them.

Love, pain, misunderstandings, questions about Paul's motives and authority, ostracism of community members, discouragement, pleas for forgiveness . . . and tears.

Disputes in the church continue:  some are interpersonal, some revolve around issues.  What catches our attention?  What do we ignore that perhaps needs attention?  And in all of this, how are we being shaped by the gospel both as individuals and as communities?  How is the Gospel calling us to love in the midst of pain, hurt, and misunderstanding;  how is gospel calling us to reconciliation?

Marilyn Malton

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