Monday 7 April 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Exodus 4: 10 - 20

In many ways, this is a very funny story!  It began in the previous chapter. Moses is having a conversation with a burning bush!!  God is speaking to him.  Moses’s first reaction seems to have been that he believed it was God speaking because he is said to have hid his face, afraid to look at God.  The funny part for me is how human, how like me, Moses is.  “Why me?!”, then “What makes you think I can do this?” (The Message 3:11)  He carries on with a classic “What if?”  “What if they ask me who sent me, what shall I say?” (3:13)  The task he is being told by God to do is overwhelming to Moses, but he doesn’t come right out and say No, or even admit his own fear; rather he suggests that God must have made a mistake, must not have thought this thing through!!

As God, amazingly patiently, answers his challenges,  Moses continues with his objections: “They won’t trust me. They won’t listen to me. They’re going to say, ‘God? Appear to him? Hardly!’ (4:1)  God then responds with what looks like a magic trick for Moses to use to convince his listeners. (Later we see Pharaoh’s magicians perform something similar - 7:11-12)

Now to today’s part of the story.

Finally, Moses names why he can’t possibly do this: “Master, please, I don’t talk well. I’ve never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer.” (4:10)  He is so aware of his weakness and can only see his failure. Again, God is incredibly patient with him, reminding him that He is the one who made his mouth, who gives the ability to speak, and he promises to be right there with him.

Finally, Moses cries (I can hear the pleading and whining in his voice), “Oh, Master, please! Send somebody else!”  His reluctance exasperates God!!  Still patient, though “angry”, he says for Moses to take his brother with him; God will tell Moses who will tell Aaron, who will tell Pharaoh. Hilarious!! This clinches it.  Moses goes. I wonder why Aaron’s presence was better for Moses than God’s?

Funny scene to watch and listen to.  But sad too because it is so true.  I say I believe in God who created, and continues to create, everything in this whole universe, God who loves us and is “able to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine”, yet when invited to participate in His work, it is so easy to see not the possibilities but the obstacles.  It is almost reflex to say, “Me? No way I could do that!” (Is it really, “I don’t want to do that?”)  Easy to imagine all the things that can go wrong, how ridiculous I will look or sound, how risky it is.

God’s patience with Moses reminds me that He will be patient with me; BUT, he did not let Moses off the hook - I guess that means I’m not off the hook either.

Ann Kelland

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