Sunday 20 April 2014


Easter Sunday
Luke 24:13-49

The Easter morning experience at the Garden Tomb is not the only moment of the day when Jesus reveals himself in his risen glory. St Luke presents two other points of the day when the presence of Jesus is palpable and real. Jesus ‎is not a figment in the imagination of those who knew him well and witnessed his earthly ministry. Jesus is risen!

Many people find the Road to Emmaus Story to be a telling moment as Jesus is presented spending time with‎ his disciples. Not recognizing him , they walk with him and listen to him reflect on the way in which the life story of the Messiah fulfills the prophetic words of Scripture. It is when Jesus breaks bread with his two disciples that the recognize him and feel compelled to rush back to Jerusalem to tell their friends. 

The next appearance of the Risen Jesus creates an opportunity for celebration and causes questions to be asked. By consuming some fish in their midst, Jesus helps his Disciples to realize that he has truly risen from the dead.

In each of these Resurrection experiences, Jesus spend time reminding his Disciples of their story of faith. He reminds them of the way in which God has been faithful. God's love has been constant. God's  presence has been a reality, even when God's people were facing great trials within the experience of exile.

At St John's, during Lent 2014, we have been reflecting on the theme, " Knowing Our Story - Sharing Our Faith". The Easter Resurrection Appearances which are included in today's reading from St Luke's Gospel create the framework for our approach to the future ministry which we share. We experience living a life filled with meaning when we know our Story through personal devotion and corporate worship. Through Word and Sacrament we are empowered for daily life.  Building on that foundation we live lives that respond to the opportunities to share our Faith each day.

As we have sought to use our Lenten Pilgrimage as a time of personal growth and renewal, I invite you to continue use each day of your life to Know your Story and to Share your Faith when you have the opportunity to do so.

Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
The Lord is Risen Indeed. Hallelujah! 

- The Reverend Canon Christopher Pratt

Sadao Watanabe - The Morning of the Resurrection

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