Saturday 12 April 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Jeremiah 31:27-34
Jeremiah has been called by some the weeping prophet. In this passage it suggests that the God of Israel and the God of Judah has been with the Israelites consistently. Jeremiah was thought to have been a witness to the suffering of his people as his Judean civilization experienced devastation at the hands of their Babylonian conquerors who destroyed, dispersed or enslaved the Jewish religious and political leadership from Jerusalem and exiled most of the general Jewish population. 
This passage ends with the suggestion that God will create a new covenant with the people of Israel. It will be a covenant that represents renewal and hope as the people would come to intimately know their God and adjust their personal behaviour in accordance with this knowledge. Jeremiah likewise stresses that God will forgive his people of the sins that they committed in the past. This message might be a source of hope for many that have suffered from the devastation of military conflict and displacement in our world.

- Terry Rothwell

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