Saturday 5 April 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014‎

A reflection on St. Mark 9:14-29

Whenever I have read this portion of the Gospel of St Mark most of the story seems to evaporate and I am left listening to the anguished cry of a father‎.

Here is a person who has come to Jesus and is at his wits end. He has tried to understand what is happening in his son's life. Tests have taken place‎ using fire and water. Even after having been tested by those elements of Nature, the father still has not come any closer to helping his son.

He feels helpless.

His cry from the heart emanates from the depth of that feeling of helplessness. He has approached Jesus as a last resort. If Jesus cannot respond to his need he has nowhere else to turn.

When Jesus hears the full story‎, his response puts things in perspective. He recognized the need and knew that the solution lay in in the belief of those who came to him in need. 

The phrase,"If it is possible....", sounds very differently when spoken by the father in contrast to the response of Jesus using those same words. Read the story out loud, imagine yourself, not as a witness, but in each of the individuals who are part of the conversation. Listen to the difference in the tone of your own voice as you speak. 

How does your voice sound when you speak for the father? Are you still trying to be polite? Let your voice reflect both in tone and in volume the emotion filled anguish of a father offering an intercession for his son.

"I my unbelief.....".

Whose voice did you hear? The father's voice, or your own?

-Rev'd Canon Christopher Pratt

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