Sunday 13 April 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014 

Psalm 24 & 29  ( Palm Sunday)

Today I'm aware that for many of us in the Christian Church, we will be  recalling the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem  riding upon a donkey, amid the cries of Hosannas from some of his admirers.

As I look at these two psalms 24 & 27, I can see why the Church has seen fit over the years to associate the themes of these two ancient  psalms  of  God's glory  with the Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.

This picture of Jesus' entry is a statement that his Kingship is one unlike temporal secular  ones of human power and might, but rather one that is spiritual , based upon gentleness and peace, a humble sense of God working within the realm of Creation, within and transforming life . Likewise for the psalmist centuries earlier, he too sensed the Spirit of God moving in space & time. Psalm 24 might well be summed up, "The earth is the Lord's, who can ascend the hill? Lift up your heads, O gates...and the king of Glory shall come in!"

 Likewise in psalm 29, we read "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.... ": his voice is heard in thunder, blowing through the cedar trees, shaking the wilderness, and the people in the temple crying Glory!

I'm  currently rereading a book by J Philip Newell   Listening for the HEARTBEAT OF GOD...A Celtic Spirituality 1997 (published by SPCK, & Paulist Press) . He served at one point as Warden of Iona Abbey.   In a serendipity  way I find that these two psalms, and  Palm Sunday, and the thought of this book  converge and resonate with me. In fact I would recommend this book for any seeking or who are  wishing to refresh the roots of their faith.

-The Ven. Ken Cardwell

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