Friday 11 April 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday April 11, 2014  

2 Corinthians 4:1-12

We are nearing the completion of a study of John Spong’s book, “The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic” in our adult study group at St. John’s.  Bishop Spong is a controversial speaker, and an equally controversial writer.  We don’t all agree, in our study group, with everything he posits. But that is not to say that much of what he says is good, and makes good sense.  One of the meaningful concepts Spong has drawn out of the gospel of John is that of light coming out of darkness, a theme that weaves its way throughout most of that gospel.

In this passage from the second letter to the Christians at Corinth, Paul elicits the same wonderful teaching.  The gospel you and I are called to share is one of light given to a dark world.  And Paul doesn’t stop here, but uses another powerful analogy to bring home his teaching.  He speaks of treasure stored in clay jars – not ours, but given to us by a loving God, who calls us to share this treasure – this light, if you will – with those who seek the light, and, I would add, with those who may not even know that they desire this light. 

In what ways are we able to share the light of the good news – this good news that proclaims the love of God for us, and for all God’s creatures?

- Rev'd Paul Kett

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