Wednesday 14 May 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - St. Matthias the Apostle

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - St Matthias the Apostle
John 15:1, 6-16

In the Canadian Anglican Church , May 14 now is a day set aside to commemorate Saint Matthias the Apostle. Matthias was chosen by the eleven apostles in that period between Jesus' ascension and Pentecost, to replace the void left behind in their numbers by Judas Iscariot's death. Likely this took place to complete the ancient number of twelve patriarchs of the twelve Hebrew tribes that Moses led out of Egypt into freedom, by helping them to symbolize their sense of a new Israel "in the Spirit". The Apostles were starting to assume responsibility for leadership & direction in the early church. We know little else about Matthias beyond the first chapter of the Book of Acts. He was chosen by lot , by election. Tradition places his burial in Trier , Germany, and also in Georgia.

In a sense, Matthias is like us. We may not be well known, but we are called by God, to assist in God's work on earth. As we read John 15;1 and particularly verses 6-16, ponder "I chose you, and appointed you, says the Lord, that you should go and bear fruit, fruit that will last." We are invited, nudged, and prodded to be part of what God is about , as evident in the way & life , and new Easter Life given to us in Jesus, the Christ.

Years ago, I remember first hearing a Blessing at a service at The Chautauqua Institute, which echos the reading for today, and the mantle and ministry that Matthias assumed. May it speak and resonate with you too!

"And now , go in peace, and remember... that it is through the goodness of God that you were born, and remember.. that it is through the love of Jesus the Christ that you are redeemed. Remember .. that he walks with you every day, he promised that he would.
And remember.. too , that though some would call you servant, he has called you friend.
Go forth then in the strength of that powerful friendship to serve...until we meet again!"

- Archdeacon Ken Cardwell

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