Monday 19 May 2014

Victoria Day

Monday, May 19, 2014
Matthew 6:1-6

In his book A Hidden Wholeness, Parker Palmer explores the concept of an 'undivided life' where the inner and outer aspects of one's life are seamlessly integrated.  This is a useful image when considering today's text, Matthew 6:1-6.  The text concerns practicing piety, giving alms, and praying, and is part of a longer discourse that begins with the beatitudes.  In the culture of Jesus' day acts of piety were revered, and the customary practice was to perform good deeds so that the deeds and the performer of the deeds would be seen and praised by others.  The focus was to enhance one's outer appearance and standing in the community.  Jesus' word for this type of person is "hypocrite!"--literally meaning an "actor", one who performs for the approval of others.

Seeing is at the center of this text.  Jesus challenges, not the spiritual practices themselves, but the motivation behind the practices, which is that of being seen and admired by others. He reminds his listeners that we do not need to perform for God, for God already sees us and approves of us.  True spiritual practices emerge from the inside--as an expression of our love and devotion to the One who knows even the secret places within us and loves us.  

Marianne Mellinger

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