Sunday 16 March 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - The Parable of the Sower

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Matthew 13:1-23

In my Christian History and Theology class this term, my professor gave us a great tool for approaching parables: replace each person and object in turn with “God,” and re-read the parable. In many cases, it simply does not work. But in many others, it changes how we think about the parable.

An obvious substitution is God for the sower, and the parable becomes: “Listen! God went out to sow…” But my preferred substitution is this: “Listen! A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some God fell on the path… Other God fell on rocky ground… Other God fell on good soil, and brought forth grain…”

Does this change it as a parable of the Kingdom? I don’t think so. But it puts an emphasis on our action to live God, to live in the way that Jesus teaches us. The sower casts seed, but does not leave it. The sower remembers where it lands, cares for it, and watches it grow. Our action is not only to go and spread the Good News, but to actively live our relationship with God by remembering those around us and caring for them.

So consider: how and where do you cast seed? And, when you do, are you sowing God?

- Joshua Zentner-Barrett

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