Blandina was a Christian slave who had a Christian
master. Both of them were among other early Christians who were imprisoned on
account of their adherence to their faith.
Legends tell us that Blandina was among a band of martyrs at Lyon who
endured many frightful tortures, and ultimately suffered martyrdom in 177 during
the Roman reign of Marcus Aurelius.
Blandina and her fellow martyrs’ persecution at Lyon
was initiated when a military commander, and a civil magistrate, threw a number
of Christians who confessed their faith into prison. Later they were sent to
trials. Many of Blandina’s companions were purported to have feared that
because of her “bodily frailty,” she might not remain steadfast under torture
and be tempted to betray her Christian faith and bare false witness against her
fellow Christians. But she remained faithful and repeated to every query
"I am a Christian, and we commit no wrongdoing."

Yet, according to the legend, these animals
refrained from doing any harm to her. After enduring this intimidation for
numerous days she was taken into the arena to witness the sufferings of her
companions. Finally, as the last of these martyrs, her torture ended with her
being beaten and whipped, placed on a red-hot grate, enclosed in a net and
thrown before a wild bull. This beast was reported to have finally
ended her sufferings by tossing her into the air with his horns and killing her.
Throughout her trials she is said to have never betrayed either her own
Christian identity or her fellow Christians.
Grant, O Lord, we pray, that we who keep the feast
of the holy Martyrs Blandina and her companions may be rooted and grounded in
love of you, and may endure the sufferings of this life for the glory that
shall be revealed in us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
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